
Feat Category – Ambush

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Concussion Attack Your attacks can damage your opponent's ability to think clearly. Complete Scoundrel
Deafening Strike Your stealthy attack leaves your foe's head ringing. Complete Scoundrel
Disemboweling Strike You can slash open your opponent to devastating effect. Complete Scoundrel
Eldritch Erosion Your attack can weaken a foe's resistance to magic. Complete Scoundrel
Head Shot By striking at your opponent's head, you can temporarily disrupt ... Complete Scoundrel
Impeding Attack Your strikes render your target temporarily clumsy and awkward. Complete Scoundrel
Merciful Strike You can strike a creature's vital areas without killing it. Complete Scoundrel
Mind Drain Your attack can weaken your opponent's mental powers. Complete Scoundrel
Persistent Attacker Once you find a target's weak point, you can easily ... Complete Scoundrel
Throat Punch By making a precise punch to the throat, you can ... Complete Scoundrel
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