Gnomes Distantly related to dwarves, gnomes are smaller—averaging 3–31_2' tall and weighing about 70 pounds. Gnomes have deep tan or brown skin and white hair. The most distinguishing feature are their noses, in which they take great pride. For some reason, all gnomes have very large noses—compared to the rest of their facial features.

The average life span for a gnome is 350 years. Gnomes tend to live in hilly meadows and rocky woodlands. Their small size makes them wary of larger races, though gnomes are not hostile unless the larger folk are evil.

Gnomes are much less dour than their dwarven relatives, with sly and lively senses of humor. Many people—mostly gnomes—say that gnomes have elevated practical jokes to an art form. Gnomes also love living things and finely wrought items of all types. But most especially they love gems and jewelry and are considered by many to be the best gem cutters and jewelers in existence.

Gnomes have some difficulty using enchanted items. All magical items used by a gnome—that are not specially suited to his class—have a 20% chance (on 1d100 roll) to malfunction. A check for malfunction is made every time the character attempts to use the item, and a malfunction affects only the current attempt. If the check is passed, the item performs until it is turned off, put away, or its duration expires. Malfunction checks apply to magical wands, rods, staves, rings, amulets, potions, horns, jewels, and all other items except weapons, shields, armor, gauntlets, illusionist trappings, girdles, and—if the gnome is a thief—items that mimic thieving abilities. Malfunction checks do not apply to gnome priests using clerical magical items.

Also like dwarves, if a gnome possesses a cursed item that malfunctions, he will recognize the nature of the item and can safely dispose of it.

The standard gnomish subraces are
deep, rock, and forest gnomes. Gnome characters can choose from the following classes: fighter, thief, cleric, or illusionist. Gnomes also can be multi-classed, mixing any two—but not more—of the above classes.

Players who choose gnomes for their characters have 45 character points to spend on racial abilities. These points can be spent to customize a gnome from the
general skill list below, or they can be used to purchase a subrace’s skill package. Only 5 points can be retained for use later in the character creation process.

Deep Gnomes

Character point cost: 45

Most surface dwellers consider deep gnomes, or svirfneblin as they call themselves, to be the gnomish equivalents of gray dwarves and dark elves—evil counterparts of their above-ground cousins. This is untrue. Deep gnomes are no more or less evil than their surface-dwelling cousins, and their notorious reputation is a result of ignorance and mistaken association.

Deep gnomes tend to be smaller than other gnomes, but their wiry frames are just as strong. They also prefer to wear cool tones that reflect their stony underground habitats. Most males are bald, while females tend to have stringy gray hair.

The majority of deep gnomes are neutral with good tendencies, but player characters can be of any alignment.

Languages: Deep gnomes begin with the following languages: svirfneblin, gnome, common, undercommon, dark elf, kuo-toa, and the bizarre language of earth elementals.

Deep Gnomes’ Special Abilities

Dart bonus
Mining detection abilities
Saving throw bonus
Infravision, 120'
Melee combat bonus*

* Svirfneblin only gain defensive adjustments; they have no attack roll bonuses versus particular enemies.

Deep Gnome Racial Penalties

Due to their unfortunate reputation, deep gnomes suffer a –2 reaction roll penalty when initially encountering individuals of other races.

Forest Gnomes

Character point cost: 45

Forest gnomes are less common than rock gnomes. They fill an important niche in the ecology of the woodlands, caring for small plants and animals that other races sometimes overlook. Unlike other gnomes, forest gnomes prefer to make their homes above ground in small log cabins or in large, hollow trees.

The smallest of gnomes, they average only 21_2' in height. They share the physique of rock gnomes—though their noses are not quite as large. Forest gnomes wear their hair and beards long, and the color runs from brown to black in their youth, fading to gray or white with age. Their skin tends toward a greenish cast to tan, rather like some tree barks, and their eyes are blue or brown.

Although most forest gnomes are neutral good, player characters can claim any alignment.

Languages: Forest gnomes speak their own dialect, gnome, treant, dryad, brownie, satyr, and pixie.

Forest Gnomes’ Special Abilities

Animal friendship
Melee combat bonuses*
Forest movement
Saving throw bonus

* Forest gnomes may apply their defensive adjustment when fighting any man-sized or larger creatures; their racial enemies are orcs, lizard men, troglodytes, or any creature which they have directly observed damaging woodlands.

Forest Gnome Racial Penalties

Forest gnomes cannot have infravision.

Rock Gnomes

Character point cost: 40

Rock gnomes are the most common gnomes, and they can be encountered in a variety of climates and environments. The most noticeable feature of the rock gnome is his nose. All gnomes have large noses, but rock gnomes sport the biggest noses of all. Rock gnomes love gems, especially diamonds bigger than their noses.

Rock gnomes stand about 31_2' tall and weigh about 70 pounds. Eye color is predominately blue, although green or brown are seen occasionally. Their hair is usually white or pale gray.

Rock gnomes are typically neutral good, but player characters can choose any alignment.

Languages: Rock gnome player characters start with: common, dwarf, gnome, halfling, goblin, kobold, and the simple languages of burrowing mammals—moles, badgers, etc.

Rock Gnomes’ Special Abilities

Infravision, 60'
Mining detection abilities
Melee combat bonuses
Saving throw bonus

Rock Gnome Racial Penalties


Gnome Abilities A character with leftover character points may select additional racial abilities after taking one of the standard subrace packages. Or, if the player wishes to create his own customized gnome character, he can pick and choose from the list of gnome abilities listed below. Abilities cost either 5 or 10 character points; refer to the descriptions below.

Animal friendship (10): Once a day a gnome gains an animal friendship spell ability, as the priest spell, with respect to burrowing animals.

Melee Combat bonus (10): +1 bonus on their attack rolls vs. kobolds and goblins—the gnomes’ traditional rivals for space and resources. Also, gnolls, bugbears, ogres, half-ogres, ogre magi, trolls, giants, and titans suffer a –4 penalty on their attack rolls vs. gnomes.

Dagger bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with daggers.

Dart bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with darts, their preferred missile weapon.

Defensive bonus (5): +1 to Armor Class when in their native underground environment.

Engineering bonus (5): If the gnome has the engineering proficiency, he gains a +2 bonus to the proficiency score.

Forest movement (10): The ability to pass without trace through their native woodland as the druidic ability.

Freeze (10): the ability to “freeze” in place in their underground environment. This gives them a 60% chance not to be noticed by passersby.

Hide (10): the ability to hide in woods with a chance equal to a thief of the same level’s hide in shadows ability.

Infravision (10): 60' infravision range.

Mining Detection Abilities (10): A character with this skill is familiar with mining, tunneling and stonework. By concentrating for one round the character can:

Determine the approximate depth underground, 1–4 on 1d6.

Determine approximate direction underground, 1–3 on 1d6.

Detect any grade or slope in the passage they are passing through, 1–5 on 1d6.

Detect unsafe walls, ceilings, or floors, 1–7 on 1d10.

Short sword bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with short swords.

Saving Throw Bonus (5): like dwarves, gnomes are resistant to most magic. This grants them a bonus to all saving throws vs. magical wands, staves, rods, and spells. This bonus is determined by the character’s Health sub-ability score. For every 3 1/2 points of Constitution/Health, the gnome receives a +1 bonus. These bonuses are summarized on the chart below.







Potion identification (5): A gnome with this ability has a percentage chance equal to his Wisdom score of identifying a potion by appearance and scent.

Reason bonus (10): +1 bonus to the Reason subability.

Sling bonus (5): +1 bonus “to hit” when using a sling.

Stealth (10): If the gnome is not in metal armor, a –4 penalty is applied to opponent’s surprise rolls if the gnome is at least 90 feet ahead of a party of characters without this ability, or accompanied only by characters with equivalent stealth skills. The gnome is also difficult to surprise himself and receives a +2 bonus to his own surprise rolls.

(See also
Monstrous Manual, Player’s Handbook, and Arms and Equipment Guide)

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