Ability Requirements:
| Strength 9
Prime Requisite:
| Strength
Allowed Races:
| All
Fighters are experts with weapons, and they are often masters of tactics and
strategy. Perseus, Hercules, Hiawatha, Beowulf, and Sinbad are fighters of
legend. Hannibal, Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, and Spartacus are real-world
The principal attribute of a fighter is Strength, as he needs to heft and use his weapons and carry the weight of his armor
for long periods. Good scores in Dexterity and Constitution also are desirable. Fighters can be of any alignment.
Building a Fighter
with Character Points
Fighters have 15 character points to spend on abilities. Each of the abilities
below cost 5 to 10 character points. Any unspent points can be used to acquire
nonweapon proficiencies or saved for use during the game. A standard fighter
spends his character points to acquire the abilities of weapon specialization
and gaining followers.
1d12 for hit points (10): Instead of rolling a 10-sided die to determine initial hit points and how
many new hit points the fighter receives at each level, a 12-sided dice is rolled
Building (5): The knowledge to construct heavy war machines, siege engines, and siege
Defense bonus (10): +2 bonus to Armor Class if unarmored and unencumbered.
Followers (5/10): By purchasing this skill, a fighter can gain followers as described in the Player’s Handbook if he establishes a stronghold and is at least 9th level. If this is
purchased as a 10-point ability, the fighter can attract followers whenever he
establishes a stronghold, regardless of level. Refer to the warrior section of the Player’s Handbook for more details on followers.
Increased movement (5): A fighter’s base movement score is 15 rather than 12.
Leadership (5): The ability to lead large numbers of troops into battle. The fighter is able
to take charge of up to 100 soldiers per level. He knows how to use messengers
and signals, is familiar with military terminology, and understands the
mechanics of moving a large number of men.
Magic resistance (10): Gain a 2% Magic Resistance for each level. For example, a 9th level fighter
would have an 18% Magic Resistance score.
Move silently (10): A fighter with this ability has a chance to move silently like a thief. This
chance is equal to his Dexterity score plus his level. For example, an 8th
level fighter with a 17 Dexterity score has a 24% chance to move silently. The
fighter cannot wear armor above studded leather. Look to the thief table for penalties for additional armor.
Multiple specialization (10): This ability can be taken in place of the 5-point ability to specialize in a
single weapon. A fighter with this ability can specialize in as many weapons as
he desires. The character point cost must be met for each individual
Poison resistance (5): Fighters with poison resistance gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws versus
Spell resistance (5): Fighters with spell resistance gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws versus
Supervisor (5): The authority to supervise the construction of defensive works such as
ditches, pits, fields of stakes, and hastily built wooden and stone barricades. With
time permitting, the fighter also can supervise the building of semi-permanent
War machines (5): The knowledge to operate heavy war machines and siege engines such as
ballistae, catapults, rams, bores, and siege towers.
Weapon specialization (5): This fighter has the ability to specialize in a particular weapon. The
character point cost for acquiring the specialization must also be met (see page 118).
Optional Restrictions
A fighter can gain bonus character points to spend on the above abilities by
accepting a voluntary restriction on his normal abilities. The restrictions with
their point values follow:
Limited armor (5/10/15): A fighter with this restriction is limited in his selection of armor. If the
character is restricted to chain mail or lighter armor, this restriction gives
him 5 CPs; if he is limited to studded leather or lighter armor, he gains 10
CPs; and if he cannot wear any armor at all, this restriction is worth 15 CPs.
(The character can always use a shield.)
Limited weapon selection (5): A fighter with this restriction is limited in his choice of weapons. He can
choose to gain proficiency only in melee weapons (no missile weapons allowed);
he can choose to learn only cleric weapons (bludgeoning weapons); or he can
choose to learn only thief weapons (club, dagger, dart, hand crossbow, knife,
lasso, short bow, sling, broadsword, long sword, short sword, and staff).
Limited magical item use (5+): A fighter with this restriction distrusts magic and refuses to use certain
categories of magical items. For each category that is barred to him, he gains 5
CPs . The categories are: potions, oils, and scrolls; rings, rods, staves, and
wands, and miscellaneous magical items; weapons; and armor.
Table of Contents