
Spells in Divination

Spell name Spell School V S M AF DF XP Rulebook name Edition
Fiendish Clarity Divination yes yes no no no no Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss Supplementals (3.5)
Fiendish Clarity Divination yes yes no no no no Book of Vile Darkness Supplementals (3.0)
Find the Gap Divination yes no no no no no Draconomicon Supplementals (3.5)
Find the Path Divination yes yes no yes no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Find Traps Divination yes yes no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Flowsight Divination yes yes yes no yes no Stormwrack Supplementals (3.5)
Foresight Divination yes yes yes no yes no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Forest Eyes Divination yes yes no no yes no Complete Champion Supplementals (3.5)
Gem Tracer Divination yes yes no yes no no Dragons of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.5)
Ghostharp Divination yes yes no no no no Magic of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.0)
Glimpse of Truth Divination yes yes no no no no Book of Vile Darkness Supplementals (3.0)
Golem Strike Divination yes no no no no no Complete Adventurer Supplementals (3.5)
Grave Strike Divination yes no no no yes no Complete Adventurer Supplementals (3.5)
Guardian Spirit Divination yes yes no no yes no Magic of Incarnum Supplementals (3.5)
Guardian Spirit, Mass Divination no no no no no no Magic of Incarnum Supplementals (3.5)
Guidance Divination yes yes no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Guided Arrow Divination yes no no no no no Miniatures Handbook Supplementals (3.5)
Guided Path Divination yes yes no no no no Complete Mage Supplementals (3.5)
Guided Shot Divination yes no no no no no Complete Adventurer Supplementals (3.5)
Healer's Vision Divination yes yes no no no no Complete Scoundrel Supplementals (3.5)
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