Feats in Savage Species
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Peak Hopper | You are adapted to a hilly or mountainous environment. | Savage Species |
Pervasive Gaze | Your gaze attack is more effective than normal. | Savage Species |
Poison Immunity | You can ignore the effects of poison. | Savage Species |
Power Dive | You can fall upon an opponent from the sky. | Savage Species |
Quick Change | You can shift to an alternate form faster and more ... | Savage Species |
Quicken Spell-Like Ability | You can use a spell-like ability with a moment's thought. | Savage Species |
Rapid Breath | You do not have to wait as long to reuse ... | Savage Species |
Rending Constriction | You can pull grappled enemies apart. | Savage Species |
Reverberation | Your sonic attack is more potent than normal. | Savage Species |
Roll with it | You are adept at lessening the effects of blows. | Savage Species |
Scramble | Your slippery ways allow you to evade a damaging blow. | Savage Species |
Stamp | You can stamp the ground to crush and disrupt opponents. | Savage Species |
Supernatural Transformation | You convert a spell-like ability to a supernatural ability. | Savage Species |
Surrogate Spellcasting | You use substitute verbal and somatic components when casting spells. | Savage Species |
Swamp Stalker | You are adapted to a marshy environment. | Savage Species |
Thick-Skinned | Your tough hide grants improved damage reduction. | Savage Species |
Thunderclap | You create a cone of deafening sound by clapping two ... | Savage Species |
Treefriend | You are adapted to a forest environment. | Savage Species |
Uncanny Scent | You can pinpoint scents at a greater distance. | Savage Species |
Vicious Wound | Damage you deal causes wounds that bleed excessively. | Savage Species |