Feats in Player's Handbook v.3.5

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Magical Aptitude You have a knack for magical endeavors. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Manyshot You can fire multiple arrows simultaneously against a nearby target. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Martial Weapon Proficiency Choose a type of martial weapon, such as longbow (see ... Player's Handbook v.3.5
Maximize Spell You can cast spells to maximum effect. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Mobility You are skilled at dodging past opponents and avoiding blows. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Mounted Archery You are skilled at using ranged weapons while mounted. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Mounted Combat You are skilled in mounted combat. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Natural Spell You can cast spells while in a wild shape. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Negotiator You are good at gauging and swaying attitudes. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Nimble Fingers You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Persuasive You have a way with words and body language. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Point Blank Shot You are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged weapons ... Player's Handbook v.3.5
Power Attack You can make exceptionally powerful melee attacks. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Power Attack (PF) You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy ... Player's Handbook v.3.5
Precise Shot You are skilled at timing and aiming ranged attacks. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Quick Draw You can draw weapons with startling speed. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Quicken Spell You can cast a spell with a moment's thought. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Rapid Reload Choose a type of crossbow (hand, light, or heavy). You ... Player's Handbook v.3.5
Rapid Shot You can use ranged weapons with exceptional speed. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Ride-By Attack You are skilled at making fast attacks for your mount. Player's Handbook v.3.5
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