Feats in Complete Warrior

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Divine Resistance You can channel energy to temporarily reduce damage you and ... Complete Warrior
Divine Shield You can channel energy to make your shield more effective ... Complete Warrior
Divine Vigor You can channel energy to increase your speed and durability. Complete Warrior
Eagle Claw Attack Your superior insight allows you to strike objects with impressive ... Complete Warrior
Earth's Embrace You can crush opponents when you grapple them. Complete Warrior
Elusive target Trying to land a blow against you can be a ... Complete Warrior
Epic Combat Expertise You have extraordinary talent at using your combat skill for ... Complete Warrior
Epic Prowess You have great skill in combat. Complete Warrior
Epic Sunder You deal extra damage when attacking objects. Complete Warrior
Epic Toughness You are preternaturally tough. Complete Warrior
Epic Weapon Focus You are especially good at using one chosen type of ... Complete Warrior
Extend Rage You are able to maintain your rage longer than most. Complete Warrior
Extra Rage You may rage more frequently than normal. Complete Warrior
Extra Smiting You can make more smite attacks. Complete Warrior
Extra Stunning You gain extra stunning attacks. Complete Warrior
Eyes in the Back of Your Head Your superior battle sense helps minimize the threat of fl ... Complete Warrior
Faster Healing You recover faster than normal. Complete Warrior
Favored Power Attack You are able to deal more damage against your favored ... Complete Warrior
Fists of Iron You have learned the secrets of imbuing your unarmed attacks ... Complete Warrior
Fleet of Foot You run nimbly, able to turn corners without losing momentum. Complete Warrior
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