Feat Category – General
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Fling Ally | You can launch your comrades into the air as if ... | Races of Stone |
Fling Enemy | When you're wrestling a foe, you can lift him into ... | Races of Stone |
Fling Enemy | You can pick up an opponent and fling it. | Savage Species |
Flyby Attack | A creature with this feat can attack on the wing. | Monster Manual V |
Flying Fish Leap | You can hurl yourself out of the water with ease. | Stormwrack |
Flying Kick | You literally leap into battle, dealing devastating damage. | Complete Warrior |
Focused Lexicon | Your utterances have greater effect against a certain type of ... | Tome of Magic |
Focused Mind | When you have the opportunity to concentrate on a task, ... | Races of the Wild |
Foe Hunter | In lands threatened by evil nonhumans, many warriors learn ways ... | Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting |
Foe Specialist | You are trained at how to damage a particular type ... | Miniatures Handbook |
Follower of the Scaly Way | You are an adherent of Sammaster's teachings. You hold dragons ... | Dragons of Faerun |
Font of Inspiration | Dungeonscape | |
Font of Life | Heroes of Horror | |
Force of Personality | You have cultivated an unshakable belief in your self-worth. Your ... | Complete Adventurer |
Force of Will | You are able to resist psionic attacks with extreme force ... | Expanded Psionics Handbook |
Forester | Faerűn's great forests stretch for hundreds of miles across the ... | Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting |
Frantic Rage | Your divine madness allows you to channel your fury into ... | Faiths of Eberron |
Freerunner | You can move in more baffling ways than others. | Complete Scoundrel |
Freezing The Lifeblood | You can paralyze a humanoid opponent with an unarmed attack. | Complete Warrior |
Friends of the Tribes | You are deeply familiar with the tribes of the Talenta ... | Player's Guide to Eberron |