
Armor (1st)

Cantrip (1st)

Conjure Spell Component (1st)

Find Familiar (1st)

Grease (1st)

Mount (1st)

Unseen Servant (1st)

Glitterdust (2nd)

Melf's Acid Arrow (2nd)

Summon Swarm (2nd)

Flame Arrow (3rd)

Monster Summoning I (3rd)

Phantom Steed (3rd)

Sepia Snake Sigil (3rd)

Watery Double (3rd)

Evard's Black Tentacles (4th)

Monster Summoning II (4th)

Summon Lycanthrope (4th)

Conjure Elemental (5th)

Khazid's Procurement (5th)

Leomund's Secret Chest (5th)

Monster Summoning III (5th)

Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound (5th)

Summon Shadow (5th)

Conjure Animals (6th)

Ensnarement (6th)

Forest's Fiery Constrictor (6th)

Invisible Stalker (6th)

Monster Summoning IV (6th)

Wildstrike* (6th)

Drawmij's Instant Summons (7th)

Intensify Summoning (7th)

Drawmij's Instant Summons (7th)

Limited Wish (7th)

Monster Summoning V (7th)

Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion (7th)

Power Word, Stun (7th)

Prismatic Spray (7th)

Maze (8th)

Monster Summoning VI (8th)

Power Word, Blind (8th)

Prismatic Wall (8th)

Symbol (8th)

Trap the Soul (8th)

Wildzone* (8th)

Gate (9th)

Monster Summoning VII (9th)

Power Word, Kill (9th)

Prismatic Sphere (9th)

Wildwind* (9th)

Wish (9th)

Table of Contents