Light Sleeper: This character will awaken at the slightest disturbance—a significant advantage to a small party on the trail where companions would quickly fatigue from alternating watch duty through the night. The character will awaken if he hears any unusual noise, such as the unmuffled footsteps of someone approaching the camp. This includes the approach of anyone wearing metal armor, or creatures carrying weapons or conversing.

If the sleeping character is approached by someone who is working very hard at being stealthy, the DM can allow the light sleepers to make Wisdom/Intuition checks; success means they become aware of the intruder, while failure means they continue to sleep. This latter category includes NPCs in leather armor, and monsters with natural stealth and which are not encumbered by weapons and armor.

If a light sleeper is approached by a thief who is successful at a
move silently attempt, then the sleeping character is not allowed the Intuition check, since there is no sound to alert the sleeper.

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