Stonemasonry: A character with this skill knows how to excavate stone from quarries, cut that stone into blocks, make bricks, mix mortar, lay stone or brick, and carve simple designs and symbols into stone. The mason can lay cobblestones or bricks for roads and courtyards, and the work can include small arches and cantilevered platforms. None of these tasks require proficiency checks. The character’s tools include hammers, chisels, trowels, block and tackle, plumb lines, shovels, and wedges. If fully equipped, a typical mason can build a wall, 10' long, 5' high and 1' thick, in one day—if the stone is already cut. The character can erect walls, buildings, pillars, stone abutments for bridges, etc.

The character can step up the work by making a proficiency check. Also, if the stonemason doesn’t have the benefit of the engineering proficiency, checks must be made for wall sections higher than 10', and for structures involving arches or elaborate corners.

A dwarven character receives a +2 bonus when taking this proficiency.

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