Cryptography: The character with this proficiency has some training and skill in deciphering hidden messages and codes. In its basic form, the character is allowed to make a proficiency check when confronted with a coded message. If successful, the DM can reveal a general overview of the secret missive.

This proficiency is more fun when used as an aid to role-playing. Ideally, the use of the cryptography proficiency requires a great deal of involvement from the player—and a certain amount of puzzle design by the DM—instead of simply passing a check and demanding that a coded message be explained by the DM.

Rather, a character with the cryptography proficiency should have the chance of recognizing a code concealed within a written or spoken message, or perhaps hidden by some other medium—an intricately woven tapestry or sculpted piece of heraldry, for example. The DM will usually roll this check secretly, announcing that the character observes something unusual.

If the character notices the encoded sigil, the DM should describe it in considerable detail—word for word, if it is a written message. The character can make an additional proficiency check during the course of the decoding; if successful, the DM can provide a significant clue—a name, place, or date that is mentioned, for example. The bulk of the decoding should still be performed by the player.

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