Cure Moderate Wounds



Sphere: Healing

Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Subtlety: +3
Knockdown: d8
Sensory: Moderate visual
Critical: Medium (1 hit)
wounding when reversed

Somewhat less common than the well-known cure light wounds and cure serious wounds, this healing spell was created by a priest who found that his heroic companions required his skill at doctoring more than his advice and wisdom. By laying his hand on the subject’s body, the priest can heal 1d10+1 points of damage. Noncorporeal, nonliving, or extraplanar creatures cannot be healed by this spell. The reverse of this spell, cause moderate wounds, requires the priest to successfully touch the victim and inflicts 1d10+1 points of damage. (The knockdown and critical strike entries above are for spell’s reverse.)

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