Ray of Fatigue


Range: 10 yds. + 5 yds./level

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 rd./level

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: Neg.

Subtlety: +2

Knockdown: None

Sensory: Small visual

Critical: None

This nefarious spell affects the victim’s life energies, increasing any fatigue or exhaustion the victim currently possesses. Alert and well-rested characters suddenly become tired and sluggish, and characters who are already fatigued may be reduced to near-helplessness. In effect, the ray adds one level of fatigue or encumbrance to the victim. Moderately encumbered characters suffer a –1 penalty to attack rolls; heavily encumbered characters suffer a –2 penalty to attacks rolls and a +1 Armor Class penalty; and severely encumbered characters suffer a –4 penalty to attack rolls and a +3 Armor Class penalty. (Assume that monsters suffer a –1 penalty to their attack rolls and reduce their movement rates by 33%.) The victim is allowed a saving throw to negate the spell’s effects.

If you are using the fatigue rules from the Player’s Option™: Combat & Tactics book, this spell operates in a slightly different manner—fresh characters become fatigued, gaining one level of encumbrance; fatigued characters become exhausted, gaining two levels of encumbrance; and exhausted characters collapse in a quivering heap, unable to move or attack.

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