Priests and Systems of Magic
As you may have noticed, there are a few differences in the way priests and wizards acquire and memorize spells. The spell point systems described for each class already reflect these differences to a degree; for example, some of the wizard’s optional rules aren’t appropriate for priestly spellcasters, and vice-versa, while the amount of spell points available to each class of spellcaster varies in order to portray the “normal” spell progression.

A very good way to highlight the differences between priests and wizards is to assign schools or systems of magic to each. For example, if you liked the wizard system of defiling and preserving, you may want to rule that priests cast spells by means of the channelling rules. In the campaign, wizards will have to be aware of the life energy around them as they cast their spells, while priests will instead be concerned with their own capacity to deal with the destructive power of divine energy. This provides each class with its own distinct flavor and feel—even though both priests and wizards will be keeping track of spell points.

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