Id Insinuation (II)
This attack assaults a target’s subconscious, like a mental battering ram
tearing through the walls that separate primitive needs from social constraints.
For every 6 PSPs put into the attack (declared after a successful attack roll is
made), the attacker rolls 1d8 to determine psionic damage against his foe. If
hit, the defender loses that many PSPs or has his mind opened to further psionic
contact if no PSPs remain. A failed attack costs 3 PSPs.
Id insinuation has three ranges: short (60 yards), medium (120 yards), and
long (180 yards). At medium range, the defender receives a +2 bonus to his MAC; at
long range, the bonus is +5.
If used against an open mind, id insinuation leaves its victim confused and
powerless to act for 1d4 rounds. While no psionic defenses remain, the attacker
must roll the defender’s MAC to successfully hit (the attack roll receives a +2
bonus). This use of the attack costs 6 PSPs.
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