Disintegration Chamber: These frightful devices range in size from a 1'x 1'x 1' box to a 10'x 10'x 10' room. They are always made of iron, with the interior walls covered with mirrored tiles. They are used to cause matter to vanish, as per the 6th-level disintegrate spell.

The amount of material to be affected is limited only by the size of the chamber. Each use drains the device of one charge. Disintegration chambers generally have 81-100 charges (1d20+80) and may be recharged.

The material to be obliterated is placed inside the chamber, the door is closed, and the activation button is depressed. The interior of the chamber and its doomed contents then begin to glow with a sickly green light, and the material vanishes, leaving only fine dust. Creatures and objects that successfully save vs. spell are not affected, but must attempt another saving throw every time the chamber is reactivated.

The size of any given chamber can be determined from the table below.

D6 Roll
1' cube
2'x 2'x 3' box
3'x 3'x 6' box
3' x 5' x 6' box
5'x 5'x 10' box
10' x 10' x 10' box

In the larger sizes, these devices are most often installed permanently and cannot be carried away as part of treasure, unless arrangements are made to transport a small room or shack.

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