Bag of Bones: This item, usable only by priests, is a small, ordinary-looking leather pouch that contains a number of tiny bones. When these bones are scattered over a 40 by 20 yard area and the word of command is spoken, a unit of skeletons immediately springs from the ground. This unit comprises eight BATTLESYSTEMâ„¢ rules figures of skeletons (80 skeletons) armed with swords. (The statistics for this unit are: AD 6, AR 8, Hits 1, ML n/a, MV 12". Hits from piercing and slashing weapons are reduced by half.)

The unit unconditionally obeys the combat orders of the priest, never checking morale. The unit fights until totally destroyed or until the sun sets (at which time the remaining skeletons crumble into dust). Two out of three (1-66 on 1d100) of these bags are "one-shot" magical items: once the bones are used, they are gone forever. One out of three (67-100 on 1d100) bags magically replenishes itself every sunset if the bones have been used.

A bag of bones will work only on a battlefield in the full heat of battle. (For the purposes of this definition, a "battlefield" is a place where units are in conflict and where at least 100 individuals per side are involved.) The unit will never split up, and will obey no orders other than to enter combat.

Certain war deities may frown upon the use of undead or conjured troops, believing them to be unworthy and cowardly. Priests worshipping these deities may suffer divine consequences if they choose to use a bag of bones.

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