Unluck* (Evocation)

Range: 10 yards

Components: V, S, M

Duration: 2d10 rounds

Casting Time: 4

Area of Effect: One creature

Saving Throw: Neg.

With this spell, the wild mage creates a negative pattern in the random forces surrounding one creature. The creature is allowed a saving throw; if successful, the spell fails. If the saving throw is failed, random chance falls into an unlucky pattern. Any action involving random chance (i.e., any time a die roll affects the character) performed by the victim during the next 2-20 rounds requires two separate attempts; the worse result is always applied. (The victim rolls twice for attacks, damages, saving throws, etc., always using the worse die roll.)

A luckstone or similar magical device will negate unluck. Doing so, however, prevents the magical item from functioning for 2d10 rounds.

The material component is a piece of a broken mirror.

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