Faith Magic

A unique feature of clerical magic is faith magic. Using this special category of priest spells, clerics can create semipermanent wards, sanctify ground, ensure good harvests, or even improve the health of followers. In short, this amplified magic allows certain clerical spells to be increased and intensified through the combined efforts of priests and worshipers. Range, area of effect, duration, and even damage can be altered through devotion and combined spellcasting.

To gain this ability, priests and their worshipers form groups to create faith magic. Clerics of nearly all religions seek out worshipers, establish temples, retire to monasteries, and establish seminaries. While there are many mundane reasons to form such groups, priests' attitudes are also shaped by this important difference between clerical and wizardly magic -- the ability to combine magical power. Wizard spells lack this property--even a large number of wizards cannot combine their spells into a whole. Thus, wizards gain no magical benefits from founding monasteries or attracting followers.

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