Bigby's Clenched Fist


Range: 5 yds./level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd./level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

The Bigby's clenched fist spell brings forth a huge, disembodied hand that is balled into a fist. This magical member is under the mental control of the spellcaster, who can cause it to strike one opponent each round. No concentration is required once the spell is cast. The clenched fist never misses, but it can only strike as directed by the caster. Thus, it can be fooled by invisibility or other methods of concealment and misdirection. The effectiveness of its blows varies from round to round.

D20 Roll
Glancing blow--1d6 hp
Solid punch--2d6 hp
Hard punch -- 3d6 hp; opponent is stunned for next round
Crushing blow*--4d6 hp; opponent is stunned for next three rounds

* The wizard adds +4 to the die rolls of subsequent attacks if the opponent is stunned, as the opponent is not capable of dodging or defending against the attack effectively.

The fist has an Armor Class of 0, and is destroyed by damage equal to the hit points of its caster at full health.

The material component of this spell is a leather glove and a small device (similar to brass knuckles) consisting of four rings joined so as to form a slightly curved line, with an ā€œIā€ upon which the bottoms of the rings rest. The device must be fashioned of an alloy of copper and zinc.

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