Casting the Spell
Once preparations are successfully concluded, the character is free to cast the spell. Casting a true dweomer is just like casting any other spell. The caster must be free to speak and move, and any material components used in the spell must be at hand. If the caster’s concentration is broken during the casting time, the entire spell is ruined and any material components used vanish in a fizzle of useless energy.

If the casting time is a day or longer, the character need spend only 8 hours actually casting and is free to pursue other activities during the remaining 16 hours. When the caster is not actually working on the spell, attacks on the character do not disrupt the spell. However, once the caster begins the spell, casting must continue daily. Any breaks ruin the spell.

For example, Pharjis is working on a particularly difficult spell. The adjusted difficulty is 160, which Pharjis has reduced to 80 by extending the preparation time to two years. Once preparations are complete, Pharjis must spend one week casting the spell. He must spend eight hours a day on seven consecutive days to cast the spell. If he misses a day, the spell is lost, though he does not have to begin his eight hours of casting at the same time each day.

Once prepared, a spell can be held only as long as its minimum preparation time. In the preceding example, Pharjis could wait as long a full year before casting his difficulty 160 spell. Because Pharjis is only 25th level, he can prepare or cast only one other true dweomer per day until he casts the spell he has prepared.

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