Creating the Item

Every item that is to be imbued with magic must be of the finest quality, specifically created for the purpose of placing enchantments upon it. An item must be created from one or more special materials, each of which must undergo a certain number of special processes. A character creating a sword, for example, must first commission a rare and unusual blade to be crafted. A regular sword from the local smithy cannot become a sword +3 frost brand. Creating a magical item is not a matter of picking up a few household articles and muttering an incantation.

Table 23 lists the materials and processes various types of items require. Some of these are more difficult to complete or acquire than others, as explained in the notes to the table. Table 23 gives the suggested number of materials and processes each item requires as well as a few suggestions. It is up to the DM to decide exactly what materials and processes are necessary; this requires a great deal of creativity on the DM’s part. In any case, the character does not automatically know what the requirements are.

Gathering all the necessary materials can take a lot of time. Ideally, the DM should create a series of adventures that allows the character to obtain everything. The character is free to get help from any other character who can be persuaded to join the hunt.

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