Disease Effects

In addition to just feeling rotten—and facing death if not cured—the victim also suffers one to four of the following effects. Other effects are possible.

Ability Score Reduction: One or all of the character’s ability scores are reduced by one to five points.

Blindness: The victim’s vision blurs or the characters eyes swell shut. The character cannot cast spells or use missile weapons, and he suffers the standard penalties for blindness when moving or engaged in melee. A cure blindness spell has no effect,

Chills: The character shivers uncontrollably for 2d4 rounds. During this time, the character cannot move, attack, or cast spells. All saving throws and ability checks suffer a –4 penalty. The chills recur from time to time; roll again on the onset column to see how soon.

Delirium: The victim’s head spins with weird visions and confused thoughts. The character acts as though afflicted by a confusion spell. Once each turn, the victim can snap out of the delirium by rolling a 9 or less on 1d20. The victim’s hit point adjustment (from Constitution/Health) applies as a bonus or penalty to the roll. Non-warrior characters with Constitution scores of 17 or higher can claim the warrior hit point adjustment for purposes of this roll.

Fever: The character must rest in bed. If forced into action, the character’s stamina is severely tested and he must roll a 9 or less on 1d20 each hour to stay conscious. The character’s hit probability adjustment applies as a bonus or penalty to the roll. If the character has a Stamina statistic, use that score to determine the character’s adjustment to the roll, otherwise use Strength. If the roll fails, the character suffers delirium (as above) for 2d4 rounds and then falls into a stupor for 2d4 hours.

Paralyzation: The character loses the use of one appendage or becomes totally immobile.

Slow healing: The character cannot benefit from healing spells and heals naturally at 10% of the normal rate.

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