Table 12:

Legendary Monsters

AC Mod.
HD Mod.
Lesser Scion
Great Elder

The Armor Class Modifier is subtracted from the creature’s base armor class. This modifier is in addition to any Dexterity bonus.

The Hit Die Modifier is added to the monster’s hit dice. The creature gains all the benefits of the increased hit dice, including reduced THAC0, better saving throws, and more hit points. If the monster is normally given a fixed hit point total, add five hit points per additional hit die.

The number after the slash is for monsters that have hit points divided between different areas of their bodies, such as hydras and beholders. Multiply each area’s hit points by the number. For example, an elder hydra’s heads would have 20 hit points each (8 [hp for each head] x 2.5 [elder multiplier] = 20).

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