Gem of Seeing: These finely cut and polished stones are indistinguishable from ordinary jewels, although a detect magic will reveal its enchantment. When gazed through, the gem of seeing enables the user to detect all hidden, illusionary, invisible, astral, ethereal, or out-of-phase things within viewing range.

Peering through the crystal is time-consuming and tedious. The viewing range of the gem is 300 feet for a cursory scan if only large, obvious objects are being sought, 100 feet if small things are to be seen. It requires one round to scan a 200-square-foot area in a cursory manner, two rounds to view a 100-square-foot area in a careful way. There is a 5% chance each time the gem is used that the viewer will see an hallucination, something that is not there, or possibly through some real thing as if it were an illusion.

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