Bag of Beans: This bag, constructed of heavy cloth, is about two feet wide and four feet long (the size of any other large bag or sack). A character who opens it will find several large, pebble-like objects inside. If dumped out of the bag, these objects explode for 5d4 points of damage each. All creatures within a 10 foot radius must successfully save vs. spell or suffer full damage. To be removed safely, the beans in the bag must be taken out by hand—telekinesis won't prevent them from exploding, nor will working them out with tools. If placed in dirt and watered, each pebble-like bean will "sprout'' a creature or object. Bags of beans generally hold 3d4 beans, only 1 or 2 of which will be beneficial, the others sprouting monsters or useless things. For example:

Bean #1
Three shriekers spring up and begin wailing
Bean #2
An ice storm strikes the area
Bean #3
A poisonous raspberry bush with animated runners shoots up, but each of its 5d4 berries is a gem of 100 or 500 gp base value (or perhaps just worthless glass)
Bean #4
A hole opens in the ground; a purple worm or a djinni ring can be below
Bean #5
Smoke and gas cover an area of 50-foot radius for five turns; creatures in the smoke cloud can't see and will be blinded for 1d6 rounds when they step out of the cloud.
Bean #6
A wyvern grows instantly and attacks; its sting is a javelin of piercing
Bean #7
Poison gas seeps out slowly, forming a cloud of 20-foot radius that persists for one turn; while it lasts it might turn some dirt at its center to magical dust (appearance, vanishing, sneezing and choking)

Thought, imagination, and judgment on the part of the DM are required with this item.

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