Changing Alignment
Sooner or later, a player character will change alignment. A character might
change alignment for many reasons, most of them have nothing to do with the
player "failing" to play his character's role or the DM "failing" to create the
right environment.
Player characters are imaginary people. But, like real people, they grow and
change as their personalities develop. Sometimes circumstances conspire against
the player character. Sometimes the player has a change of attitude. Sometimes
the personality created for the player character just seems to pull in an
unexpected direction. These are natural changes. There might be more cause for
concern if no player character ever changes alignment in a campaign.
There is no rule or yardstick to determine when a character changes alignment.
Alignment can change deliberately, unconsciously, or involuntarily. This is
one of those things that makes the game fun. Players are free to act, and the DM
decides if (and when) a change goes into effect. This calls for some real
adjudication. There are several factors to consider.
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