Though none of the schools described in Chapter 1 have any specific dress
requirements, a new school might require (or strongly suggest) that its specialists
wear distinctive garb to indicate their status.
Not all specialists of a school would necessarily adhere to this dress code.
Perhaps only graduates of a particular academy would wear distinctive garb.
Perhaps only 1st-level specialists would wear it. Perhaps it is worn only by high
level specialists as a symbol of achievement. All such distinctions are the
decision of the DM. Caution is advised-- obvious identifying garb can be a red
flag to enemies who wish to wipe out the members of a particular school.
Dress requirements are not restricted to items of clothing. Rings, pendants,
anklets, and bracelets are all possibilities. Likewise, certain colors might
symbolize graduates of a school, while other colors might be forbidden.
For our metamorphics school, we will require that 1st-level transfigurists
wear a red arm band to identify them as beginners. When a transfigurist reaches
10th level, he is allowed-- but not required-- to wear a red cloak to symbolize
his competence.
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