Mugging—the Thief's KO
A thief can attempt to knock out a victim under certain circumstances by
striking from behind with a blunt instrument. In order to be eligible for a mugging
attack, a target must be eligible for a backstab, as explained in Chapter Three of the Player's Handbook. In addition to all restrictions governing a backstab, a thief cannot mug a
victim more than twice as tall as the thief.
The eligible thief character simply makes a mugging attack instead of a normal
backstab. The thief gains his +4 backstab bonus and the victim loses shield
and Dexterity bonuses. If helmets are detailed in the campaign, the victim has AC
10 unless the head is protected.
If the thief scores a hit, the victim must make a saving throw versus
petrification or fall unconscious for 2d8 rounds. Modify the saving throw by the
difference in level or hit dice between the mugger and the victim.
For example, Pwill the thief (T9) sneaks up behind the ogre sentry (4 HD).
Pwill's blow is successful, so the ogre saves as a level 4 warrior. Normally he
would save on a 12 or better, but the difference in Pwill's level (9) and the
ogre's HD (4) modifies his necessary save to 17. However, the DM rolls a 19 for
the ogre, so Pwill's attempt only makes the sentry mad. And loud.
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