Improvised Lockpicks
Lockpicks are made for the job, but it is possible for a resourceful thief to
improvise a lockpick from a length of wire, a hairpin or hat pin, or some
similar ready-to-hand item. Obviously, this will never be anywhere as good as the
specially-crafted item, but it's better than nothing. As stated in the Player's Handbook, a penalty of anywhere from -5 to -60 can be applied to the use of such
improvised lockpicks. The following suggestions are given for the DM to select
within this range.
To create improvised lockpicks the thief must make an Intelligence check,
modified (positively!) by his experience level—reflecting the resourcefulness
greater experience brings. If this check is successful, the improvised items can be
used with a penalty of -5 to -30 (1d6x5) to the open locks roll. If the
modified Intelligence check is failed, the thief can bodge up something, but it is a
feeble effort—the penalty is -35 to -60 (1d6x5, +30) for the Open Locks attempt.
Locks which are of Masterful quality, however, cannot be opened with
improvised lockpicks (unless the DM allows the 01=success rule here).
Critical Failure: When opening locks, either with lock picks or with improvised lock picks, the
DM may rule that on a skill check roll of 96-99 the tool snaps but can be
wangled out of the lock if a Dexterity check is made; on a roll of 00 the snapped
tool is wedged in the lock and cannot be removed (save for disassembling the
whole lock!).
Special Rule, Combination Locks: The DM may wish to allow the existence of these complex locks in his campaign
world. If he does, then such locks are always of Superior or Masterful
quality. As an optional rule, a thief who makes a successful detect noise roll when
trying to open such locks can halve the usual negative modifier to his skill for
such formidable locks, as he is able to detect the sound of tumblers falling!
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