As explained in Chapter 2 of the DUNGEON MASTER Guide, rangers gain experience much like other warriors. Table 59 summarizes their standard experience awards.
Table 59: Ranger Experience
Action |
XP |
Per hit die of creatures defeated |
10/level |
Monster experience |
Typ* |
Other group experience |
Typ* |
* Typ = Typical share of experience, as described in the DMG.
Table 59 is fine as far as it goes, but for those using the guidelines in this book, it may not go far enough. If the DM decides that a little more detail is needed when determining experience awards for rangers, he may decide to use Table 60 to award experience points instead DM.
Table 60: Optional Individual Experience Awards
Action |
XP |
Per spell level cast to overcome foes or |
problems, or further ethos* |
100 |
Per successful use of special ability |
(class or kit) |
100 |
Per Hit Die of creatures defeated |
10/level |
Per Hit Die of species enemy |
defeated |
20/level** |
Follower, per trick or task trained |
100 |
Monster experience |
Typ*** |
Other group experience |
Typ*** |
* Like priests, rangers gain experience for using spells to promote their philosophies and principles. A ranger who's accepted the responsibility of protecting a forest would not gain experience for using charm person or mammal to coerce an woodcutter into finding some tasty fruit, but he would gain experience for using the spell to ensure the woodcutter helps him put out an uncontrolled fire in the forest.
** The ranger receives double the normal amount of experience points when defeating a species enemy (20/level). In addition he receives a 1,000 experience point bonus for defeating the long-range plans of a species enemy.
*** Typ = Typical share of experience, as described in the DMG.