Holy Water
Holy water, that bane of vampires and many other monsters, is created in the
following way:
In a temple of the god, three priests of second level or higher stand over an
empty water-basin and perform a ritual of prayer. They pray for the god's
blessing and protection for an entire hour. At the end of that time, they each cast
a spell, and do so simultaneously: One casts create water , the second casts protection from evil, and the third casts purify food & drink. Half a gallon of holy water is created.
(The create water spell can create up to four gallons of water, but the protection from evil and purify food & drink used this way can only create half a gallon of holy water. Therefore, for
every two extra priests, one to cast each of those two spells, an extra
half-gallon can be created. Nine priests together can create four gallons.)
The tremendous expenditure of magic and the time involved are the reasons why
a single dose of holy water costs 25 gp to the adventurer. Obviously, any three
priests can create holy water "for free" so long as they are second level or
higher and are priests of the same god.
Holy symbols are enchanted in the same way. Each enchantment takes an hour,
requires three priests (substituting sanctuary for create water), and requires a material component: Some object carved with the god's symbol.
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