
This is a god of common sense. Wisdom is distinct from, though normally compatible with, formal education and conventional learning; but it is not the same. It consists merely of having sense enough to know what it otherwise takes experience or an education to learn. The learned man knows from experience when his words will provoke a fight; the wise man knows it intuitively, instinctively.

The priests of this god promote sensible solutions and actions on the part of the flock. They suggest compromises and alternatives. They plan future events. The look for trouble in upcoming events and try to head it off. But this isn't a god of peace, and so the priests of wisdom will often be advisors to military officers, helping them plan effective strategies.

The god of wisdom will be female.

The priests of this god are on good terms with the priests of Divinity of Mankind, Good, Literature/Poetry, Mischief/Trickery, Oracles/Prophecy, and Time. The priests of this god dislike the priests of Evil, whom they do not consider sensible.

Alignment: The deity is good; at the DM's discretion, he may be chaotic good, neutral good, or lawful good, but is probably neutral good. Regardless of his alignment, his priests may be of any good alignment. The flock may be of any neutral or good alignment.

Minimum Ability Scores: Wisdom 13. Wisdom 16 means +10% experience.

Races Allowed: Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, humans.

Nonweapon and Weapon Proficiencies: Nonweapon Proficiencies Required: Religion. Nonweapon Proficiencies Recommended: Modern Languages, Ancient History, Ancient Languages, Local History, Reading/Writing. Weapon Proficiencies Required: None. Nonweapon Proficiency Group Crossovers: Priest, General.

Duties of the Priest: Guidance, Marriage. Education: Priests of this sect believe in education for its own sake, and work to provide teaching to all the flock and even the general population (when possible). Vigilance: These priests try to act as advisors to rulers, in order to keep them from making decisions in a too-hasty or foolish fashion. Local rulers often do give them posts as advisors.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Weapons Permitted: Bows (all), dagger/dirk, javelin, knife, picks (all), quarterstaff, spear, sword/long, sword/short. Armor Permitted: All armor and shields. Oriental Campaigns: Also bo stick, daikyu, katana, nunchaku, sai, wakizashi. All together, these constitute Good combat abilities.

Other Limitations: None.

Spheres of Influence: Major Access to All, Charm, Divination. Minor Access to Healing, Sun.

Powers: Immunity (as per the Designing Faiths chapter) to confusion and feeblemind spells. Soothing Word (as per the Designing Faiths chapter). At 5th level: Inspire Fear (as per the Designing Faiths chapter). At 8th level: Prophecy (as per the Designing Faiths chapter).

Followers and Strongholds: The followers are received at 9th level, and consist of two third-level priests and four first-level priests of the same order, plus one fifth-level fighter, one third-level fighter, and two second-level fighters to act as guards, and one third-level mage, one third-level bard, one second-level thief, and one second-level illusionist to act as consultants. The priest may take the following on adventures: Two priests (only one of whom may be third-level, plus two fighters of his choice, and two from the following list: mage, bard, thief, and illusionist. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 9th level.

Possible Symbols: Owl, Raven, Vulture.

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