Birth, Children
This god's interest is in the safe and successful birthing of children and,
subsequently, their protection and nurturing.
His priests take those interests to heart, and, because of the god's
protective aspects, tend to learn fairly powerful combat magics.
One lesser god of this attribute would be the god of Youth, representing
children and youths of all ages from birth to the verge of adulthood.
Gods of birth, children, and youth tend to be female.
The priests of this god are on good terms with the priests of Ancestors,
Community, Fertility, Healing, Love, Marriage, and Race. The priests of this god
dislike the priests of Death, Disease.
Alignment: The deity is neutral good. The priests may be any sort of good alignment. The
flock may be of any neutral or good alignment.
Minimum Ability Scores: Wisdom 10. Wisdom 16 means +10% experience.
Races Allowed: Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, humans.
Nonweapon and Weapon Proficiencies: Non weapon Proficiencies Required: Healing. Non weapon Proficiencies
Recommended: Herbalism, Reading/Writing, Religion. Weapon Proficiencies Required:
None. Non weapon Proficiency Group Cross overs: Priest, General.
Duties of the Priest: Guidance, Marriage. Education: Teaching medicine, especially the arts of
midwifery, to the flock. Vigilance, in some areas of the world, against the type of
monsters who prey on babies and children: Dark elves, who sometimes steal
human children and leave changelings (baby dark elves) in their place to be raised in their steads; or
night-spirits who snatch away the breath of babies and kill them (treat as vampires).
Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Weapons Permitted: Lasso, net. Armor Permitted: None; no shields. All
together, these constitute Poor combat abilities.
Other Limitations: None.
Spheres of Influence: Major Access to All, Astral, Charm, Creation, Elemental, Healing, Protection,
Summoning, Sun. Minor Access to Animal, Combat, Divination, Guardian,
Necromantic. This priesthood has two extra major accesses and is only short one minor
access; therefore, it is far superior in magical power.
Powers: Turn undead (same as the Cleric ability); the priests of this faith, which is symbolic of
life, are therefore enemies of and have some power over the undead.
Followers and Strongholds: The followers are received at 8th level, and consist of one fifth-level
priest, three third-level priests, and six first-level priests, all of the same
order, plus one third-level paladin and seven first-level fighters to act as guards
and soldiers. The priest may take the following on adventures: Two priests and
two fighters of his choice, and the paladin. The priesthood will pay for half
of the cost of stronghold construction at 8th level. The stronghold must act as
a maternity hospital for the local community, and may turn away no woman who
is close to having her child.
Possible Symbols: Cradle.
Notes: This is a nonviolent order, which is why no damaging weapons were included in
its choices.
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