A faith will often demand that its priests belong to a specific alignment or a
limited range of alignments. The DM determines this, usually basing the choice
on the attributes and character of the god, force or philosophy in question.
But don't be too restrictive in this regard. Even if, personally, you're
opposed to War, the God of War and his followers don't have to be Chaotic/Evil.
Alignment Guidelines for the Priesthood
Here are some general guidelines to go by:
The first, and most important, note is this: The gods usually do not insist
that their priests be of identical alignment to the god. The alignment may not be so dissimilar that the priest
cannot serve the god, but it does not have to be identical.
If the faith does not promote any sort of harm to living beings, or promotes
benefits to living beings, then it probably excludes Evil alignments among the
priesthood. If the faith allows for harm to living beings but does not promote
wanton cruelty, then it can include Good, Neutral, and Evil priests. If the
faith does promote cruelty, then it probably excludes Good alignments among its
If the faith demands ordered thinking, strict obedience to laws, and
unquestioning acceptance of policy, then it leans toward Lawful behavior. (Now, every
faith requires rituals and devotions of its priests, but this isn't the same thing, and doesn't require any alignment choice.) If the faith
demands more free-willed and spontaneous behavior, defiance of social conventions or
restrictions, and so forth, then it leans toward Chaotic behavior. If it
promotes neither approach strongly, then it can probably include Lawful, Neutral,
and Chaotic choices.
Here are some sample choices:
God of Love: This type of faith usually promotes no harm to living beings, and promotes
the benefits of love; it often promotes free-willed and spontaneous behavior, but
not strongly. Therefore, its priests will probably be required to be Good, and
may be of Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic alignments, though the tendency is
toward Chaotic. However, if the god is a god of passionate affairs and selfish love,
regardless of who gets hurt, and if he promotes revenge on romantic
competitors and ex-lovers, then the faith could well include Evil and Neutral priests,
thus giving its priesthood the full range of alignment choices.
God of War: This faith generally allows for harm to living beings without promoting
wanton cruelty; and warfare runs the gamut from carefully-reasoned strategy to wild,
bloodthirsty battlefield chaos. Therefore, the faith probably places no
restriction on the alignment of its priests. However, a specific god can be devoted
to one aspect of war. For example, a god who promotes the bloody destruction of
all enemies, including sacrifice of prisoners and innocents, will probably have
an Evil priesthood. A god who is the god of military planning will probably
have a Lawful, or Lawful and Neutral, priesthood.
Alignments of the Worshippers
Most faiths define various acts and types of behavior as evil and demand that
their followers not perform those acts. Some few make those same definitions
and demand that their followers do perform them. Almost no faiths demand that
their followers belong specifically to Lawful or Chaotic alignments.
Therefore, most faiths require of their (non-priest) worshippers that they be
anything but Evil. A very few faiths require instead that their worshippers be
any sort of Evil (Lawful/Evil, Neutral/Evil, or Chaotic/Evil).
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