DM Decisions
Before players create their characters, the DM should examine each of the kits
and consider the following questions:
Is this kit appropriate to the campaign world? The DM may exclude any kit that doesn't fit into the campaign. In a campaign
world dominated by a single religion, the DM may deem the Votary kit
inappropriate. The Militarist kit may not be relevant in a world with few organized
armies. Before players create their characters, the DM should tell them which are
Do the players need additional information about the kit? Any campaign details that may influence the choice of a kit should be
revealed to the players. For example, if the local queen has canceled all privileges
for diplomats, a player might avoid the Envoy kit.
Are there changes in any kit? The DM is free to make adjustments in the kit descriptions. He may decide,
for example, that all Divinates must belong to a particular religion, or that all
Wyrmslayers must take Blind-fighting as one of their initial proficiencies.
All changes should be explained to the players before they create their
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