A barehanded Sapping attack (basically, a punch to the jaw) is a classic
combat maneuver. It can be performed with Punching and Martial Arts, but not with
Wrestling. As with the regular Sap, the barehanded fighter makes his Called Shot
at an additional –4; if he hits, he does normal damage for his attack, and has
the normal Knockout chance of 5% per point of damage done.
Between the Sap maneuver and the Called Shot for the Head Hit Location, the
character has two attacks that can hit an enemy's head. They are very different,
however, and so they are not redundant.
The Sap provides a chance for knockout; the Called Shot to the Head doesn't.
The Called Shot to the Head has several unusual possible results (Blindness,
Knockdown, etc.); the Sap doesn't.
And the Called Shot to the Head can only be used if the DM allows Hit
Locations in his campaign. If he doesn't, the Sap is all you're left with.
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