To use a Style Specialization with a specific weapon, you must have weapon
proficiency with that weapon. For example, a character might have bought Style
Specialization with Two-Hander Style. If he has Weapon Proficiencies with
polearms, he can use the benefits of Style Specialization whenever he uses polearms.
But if he doesn't also have proficiency with Two-handed Sword, and picks one up
to use it, he doesn't get the benefits of Two-Hander Style Specialization with that weapon.
You can have both a Weapon Specialization and a Style Specialization in the
same weapon, but neither is dependent on the other; you can have one without the
other. For example, a character could have Proficiency with Sabre,
Specialization with Sabre, and then Style Specialization in Single-Weapon style; he'd be a
master fencer with the sabre. Or, he could have just Proficiency and
Specialization in Sabre, or just Proficiency in Sabre and Style Specialization in
Single-Weapon style.
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