Chapter 2: Bard Kits
Kits can be thought of as subclasses of the bard character class. They all
represent bard characters, but each is unique enough to warrant individual
treatment by those players who enjoy examining the finer points of the bard class.
All of the bard kits are set up the same way. There are ten possible
subsections to each kit that flesh out the kit and delineate its unique aspects. The
details of these subsections are described below.
If the word "Standard" is listed under any subsection, it means that the
information that would normally go in that section is identical to the standard
information for the True Bard. Actually, every kit's subsections should be thought
of as having the "Standard" default. If any question ever arises as to the
limits or extensions of a kit, the True Bard kit should be consulted.
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