Dwelling in the woods, often knowing each stump and mossy bole with careful
precision, the Treetender declines the companionship of his or her fellow gnomes
in favor of a nearly hermit-like existence in the woods.
Role: Although they rarely interact with other gnomes on a daily basis, these
nature priests are highly respected for helping to preserve the environment in
which their fellows live. Like the druid of humankind, the Treetender takes a
fierce interest in his or her domain and will vigorously strive to protect it
against all threats. He or she is not a complete recluse, however, and will
usually make it to a local village for all the major festivals, as well as helping
gnomes (and, sometimes, halflings) who pass through his or her woods.
Secondary Skills: Forester is the secondary skill of choice; Navigator is also
Weapon Proficiencies: Treetenders specialize in weapons made of wood, though
they are not averse to using stone heads on long wooden shafts. Unlike most
priests, Treetenders can use bows.
Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: The Treetender gains an innate Set Snares skill.
Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Fire Building, Weather Sense, Direction
Sense, and Healing are all useful skills in woodland environments.
Equipment: In addition to weapons, a Treetender carries a selection of herbs
and roots which he or she can use to make a potion of healing. Making the potion requires 6-12 turns, and it must be consumed immediately.
Special Benefits: All Treetenders have the abilities to identify plants,
animals, and pure water and to pass through overgrown areas without leaving a trace.
At third level he or she gains immunity to charm spells cast by woodland creatures. Also starting at third level, the
Treetender gains one additional woodland language per level (i.e., one a 3rd level, two
at 4th level, three at 5th, c).
Special Hindrances: The Treetender cannot wear metal armor or wield weapons
where more than 10% of the weight is metal.
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