Nefradina's Identifier: This highly valued item is a magical test kit used to identify potions, powders, and other alchemical substances. It consists of a wooden box (typically measuring 1'x 1'x 3') containing an assortment of vials, flasks, and beakers in small, padded compartments. Also in the box is a copy of a text called Nefradina's Codex. This book instructs the owner on how to use the test kit.

When the owner wishes to identify a potion, powder, oil, perfume, or similar liquid or powdered magical item, he looks up the substance's characteristics (odor, color, consistency, and so on) in the codex and follows the directions given to create a test mixture by combining a number of ingredients found in the kit. He then adds a drop of the test mixture to the substance he wishes to identify. The resulting effects (changes in color, sparks, smoke, bizarre odors, small explosions, and so forth) are looked up in the codex and the substance is identified through a process of elimination.

The DM secretly rolls 1d100 to determine the actual results:

01-20: The test kit is missing a vital chemical and can never identify that particular


21-50: The user comes to a false conclusion and believes the substance to be something it

is not (DM's choice).

51-100: The user successfully identifies the substance.

The DM should modify the roll by +2% per level of experience of the character using the test kit. The time required to perform a single test is 1d4+1 turns. A typical kit may be used 1d10+40 times before it becomes useless.

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