Elemental Compass: This device aids travelers seeking the elemental planes of Fire, Air, Water,
or Earth. The compass, a small urn carved of stone and containing hollow
pockets, works only in the Ethereal plane, an inner plane, or the Prime Material
To make the compass work, a representative sample of material from the plane
sought must be placed in the urn and the lid sealed. Thus, to find the elemental
plane of Fire, a small, burning fire must be place in the urn. Once sealed,
the fire will burn until the lid is opened (just as water will not evaporate from
the urn as long as the lid is sealed).
When used on an inner plane or the Ethereal plane, the urn glows yellow when
the characters are heading in the direction of a portal of the elemental plane
they seek. On an inner plane, the compass leads to the para- or quasi-elemental
planar border that exists between planes. In the Ethereal plane, the urn leads
to the Ethereal curtain of the desired plane. There are no range restrictions
on the inner or Ethereal planes.
On the Prime Material plane, the compass glows when the characters are headed
for elemental vortices of the correct element, provided the vortex is within
range. The range on the Prime Material plane is 300 miles.
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