One of the most simple and effective ways to defend a wall or fortification is
to hurl chunks of rock or masonry down on the attackers. The character hurling
the rock makes a normal attack roll. The damage inflicted varies with the size
of the rock and the distance it falls:
| Small
| Medium
| Large
Knockdown Die
| 1d6
| 1d8
| 1d12
Distance Fallen
| 1d4
| 2d4
| 3d4
| 1d8
| 2d8
| 2d8
| 1d10
| 2d10
| 3d10
Small rocks weigh less than four pounds. Medium rocks weigh more than four but
less than eight pounds. Large rocks weigh eight pounds or more.
A short fall is 10 to 30 feet. A medium fall is 31 to 60 feet; the standard –2
modifier for missiles at medium range applies. A long fall is 61 feet or more;
the standard –5 modifier for missiles at long range applies. Dexterity bonuses
apply to the attack roll, but Strength bonuses do not (nor do Strength bonuses
apply to the damage roll). Rocks are dropped on the attacker’s base initiative
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