Temporary Damage
Only one quarter of any damage inflicted in brawling combat is normal. Divide
the damage from each attack by four and round down. The result is the normal
damage from the attack; all remaining damage is temporary. If a single attack
inflicts less than four points of damage it is all temporary damage. (Two humans
with average Strength scores pummeling each other with bare knuckles can inflict
only temporary damage.)
Temporary damage automatically heals at the rate of one point per combat round
(or standard round if the Player’s Option combat system is not in use) no matter what the injured character does. It is
helpful to keep track of temporary damage separately.
Characters reduced to –10 hit points by temporary damage (or a combination of
temporary and normal damage) are still dead. Characters reduced to between 0 to
–9 hit points recover one temporary damage point each combat round (instead of
losing a point each round), but remain unconscious for 2d6 full turns or until
healed. Normal damage takes precedence over temporary damage. If a character
has suffered enough normal damage to reduce his hit points below zero, he loses
one hit point each round (as described in Chapter One under Damage and Dying) and regains no temporary damage.
The attacker in an unarmed combat can opt not to inflict damage—this is called
pulling the punch, though it applies to all forms of unarmed combat. The
attack may still generate special effects such as knockouts, knockdowns, holds,
locks, and pins, but it inflicts no damage at all.
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