Two-Weapon Style
This is a difficult style to master, since it requires exceptional
coordination and skill. Normally, characters who fight with a weapon in each hand suffer a
–2 penalty to attacks with their primary hand and a –4 penalty to attacks with
the off-hand weapon. This can be partially or completely negated by the
character’s reaction adjustment for Dexterity (or Dex/Aim if you’re also using Skills & Powers). Characters who specialize in this style reduce their penalty to 0 and –2,
respectively. Ambidextrous characters who specialize in this style suffer no
penalty with either attack.
The character’s secondary weapon must be one size smaller than his primary
weapon—but knives and daggers can always be used as secondary weapons, regardless
of the size of the primary weapon. Note that this means that for Man-sized
characters, the secondary weapon has to be size S. However, if a character spends a
second proficiency slot on two-weapon style specialization, he gains the
ability to use two weapons of equal size, as long as he can use each one as a
one-handed weapon. Rangers are considered to have the first slot of this style
specialization for free as a character ability.
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