Marshes aren’t swamps; marshes are bogs or wetlands without trees. The ground
is treacherous, and careless adventurers can easily become lost or mired in
mud. Marshes may be flat, but tall stands of reeds can serve as excellent
concealment, and characters who don’t mind getting wet can always go to ground to stay
out of sight.
Encounter Range: 4d12 squares (20–240 feet)
Lines of Fire: Clear.
Cover: None. A character can find concealment within 2d6 squares behind reeds or in
shallow ponds or creeks.
Footing: In knee-deep water, characters move at 2/3 their normal rate. In waist-deep
water, they move at 1/2 their normal rate. In shoulder-deep water, movement is
reduced to 1/3 normal.
Obstacles: Ponds, creeks, and streams.
Unusual: Characters grappling in water waist-deep or deeper can try to drown their
opponent if they achieve a hold on him. The victim is considered to begin holding
his breath on the round in which his attacker got his wrestling hold, and may
begin to drown as described in the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 14: Time and Movement, under Holding Your Breath.
Note that characters rendered unconscious by an attack may also be in danger
of drowning if they fall into water of any depth.
Table of Contents