This spell is the same in duration and effect as the 4th-level animal summoning I spell, except that up to four animals of no more than 16 Hit Dice each can be
summoned, or eight of no more than 8 Hit Dice, or 16 creatures of no more than
4 Hit Dice. Only animals within range of the caster at the time the spell is
cast will come. The caster can try three times to summon three different types
of animals[md]e.g., suppose that wild dogs are first summoned to no avail, then
hawks are unsuccessfully called, and finally the caster calls for wild horses
that may or may not be within summoning range. Your DM will determine the
chance of a summoned animal type being within range of the spell. The animals
summoned will aid the caster by whatever means they possess, staying until a fight is
over, a specific mission is finished, the caster is safe, he sends them away,
etc. Only normal or giant animals can be summoned; fantastic animals or
monsters cannot be summoned by this spell (no chimerae, dragons, gorgons, manticores,
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