A duo-dimension spell causes the caster to have only two dimensions, height and width, with
no depth. He is thus invisible when turned sideways. This invisibility can be
detected only by means of a true seeing spell or similar methods. In addition, the duo-dimensional wizard can pass
through the thinnest of spaces as long as these have the proper height--going
through the space between a door and its frame is a simple matter. The wizard can
perform all actions normally. He can turn and become invisible, move in this
state, and appear again next round and cast a spell, disappearing on the
following round.
Note that when turned, the wizard cannot be affected by any form of attack,
but when visible, he is subject to double the amount of damage normal for an
attack form; for example, a dagger thrust would inflict 2d4 points of damage if it
struck a duo-dimensional wizard. Furthermore, the wizard has a portion of his
existence in the Astral Plane when the spell is in effect, and he is subject to
possible notice by creatures there. If noticed, it is 25% probable that the
wizard is pulled entirely into the Astral Plane by any attack from an astral
creature. Such an attack (and any subsequent attack received on the Astral Plane)
inflicts normal damage.
The material components of this spell are a flat ivory likeness of the
spellcaster (which must be of finest workmanship, gold filigreed, and enameled and
gem-studded at an average cost of 500 to 1,000 gp) and a strip of parchment. As
the spell is uttered, the parchment is given half a twist and joined at the ends.
The figurine is then passed through the parchment loop, and both disappear
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