Weapon Speed and Initiative (Optional Rule)
Each time a character swings a weapon, he places himself out of position to
make his next attack. Swinging a hammer is not as simple as tapping in a nail. A
war hammer is heavy. Swing it in one direction and it pulls in that direction.
It has to be brought under control and repositioned before it can be swung
again. The user must regain his balance and plant his feet firmly. Only after doing
all this is he ready for his next attack.
Compare how quickly someone can throw a punch to the amount of time required
to swing a chair to get a good idea of what weapon speed factors are about.
Weapon speed factors slow the speed of a character's attack. The higher the
weapon speed factor, the heavier, clumsier, or more limited the weapon is. For
the most part, weapon speed factors apply to all creatures using manufactured
weapons. The speed factor of a weapon is added to the initiative roll of the
character to get his modified initiative roll.
Thus, if the DM decides to use weapon speed factors for player characters,
they should also be used for giants, orcs, centaurs, and the like. Otherwise the
DM isn't being fair to the players. However, creatures with natural weapons are
not affected by weapon speed. Their attacks are natural extensions of their
bodies, giving them much faster recovery and reaction times.
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